Suddenly Vincent released her. He rose to his feet and walked around in front of her. Catherine was confused by this action. "What are you doing love?" She asked. Vincent smiled then knelt down before her. "Catherine I brought you here for another reason." He began. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. "Father gave this to me a long time ago." He told her. He handed the box to Catherine. "What is it?" She asked. Vincent smiled. "Open it." He directed. She smiled then opened the box. "Oh Vincent this is beautiful!" She said breathlessly. Vincent took the diamond ring from the box. "This was Margaret's engagement ring." He began. Catherine felt her heart begin to race. "Catherine I cannot live without you any longer would you do me the extreme honor and become my wife?" He asked. Catherine smiled as her tears began to fall. She reached up and caressed his face. "Oh yes my beautiful darling." She breathed. Vincent smiled as he slipped the ring on her finger. Then he gently kissed her.
As they parted Vincent smiled at Catherine. "So when shall we marry?" He asked as he sat down behind her once again. She smiled as she once again leaned against him. "As soon as possible." She remarked. Vincent chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. "I believe that can be arranged but we need to go back to the great hall and tell everyone." He commented. Then they rose and left the chamber.
A few minutes later they walked into the great hall. They looked around and found Father across the room playing with Jacob. Vincent smiled at Catherine then they approached Father. "Father may we speak to you?" Vincent asked as they sat down beside him. Jacob spotting his mother began to whimper. Father smiled and handed him to her. She gently took him into her arms and cuddled him. "Yes of course Vincent what is it you want to talk about?" Father asked. Vincent smiled at Catherine then spoke. "Father I have asked Catherine to be my wife and she has accepted." Vincent told him. Father smiled happily. "That is wonderful." He told them. "How soon can we be married?" Vincent asked. Father thought a moment then smiled. "I see no reason you cannot be married on New Year's Eve." He commented. Catherine smiled brightly. "Oh that is wonderful!" She exclaimed. Then she handed Jacob to his father and rose from her chair. She moved over and hugged Father very tightly. "Thank you so much Father." She told him. Father smiled lovingly at her. "No Catherine thank you for making my son and grandson happy." He whispered. She smiled as her tears began to fall. "I love you Father." She whispered. He smiled at her. "And I love you dear Catherine." He told her.
Later after breakfast in the great hall everyone dispersed to go his or her own way. Vincent and Catherine accompanied Father and Mary back to the main chamber. "So I believe we should begin planning this wedding." Father told them. Vincent was about to comment when a message of an intruder was sent over the tunnels. He quickly rose from his seat. "I will be back soon." He told Father. Then he turned to Catherine. "I will come with you." She told him. Vincent smiled and shook his head. "No Catherine stay here I will be alright." He commented. Then he leaned down and gently kissed her. After they broke apart Vincent ran from the chamber. Catherine smiled shakily as she looked at Mary. "He will be fine Catherine." The older woman told her. "I know but I cannot help but worry about him." Catherine told her. Mary and Father nodded in understanding.
A little while later Vincent returned. Catherine handed Jacob to Mary and rose from her chair. She smiled and walked into Vincent's arms. "I was so worried about you." She whispered. Vincent kissed her temple and smiled at her. "My love it was only a group of teens who got lost and were playing with the gate." He told her. "Should we do something about it?" Father asked concerned. Vincent looked over at him and shook his head. "No after a few moments they left the drainage tunnel." Vincent told him. "Even so I will tell all the sentries to keep a closer eye on that area." Father commented. Vincent smiled at him and nodded. "Alright but now I would like to spend the rest of the afternoon with my family." He stated. Catherine smiled as Mary placed Jacob in her arms. "We will see you both later." She told them. Father and Mary smiled as they left the tunnels.
As they were walking along Catherine looked up at Vincent. "Are we going to our chamber?" She asked. Vincent smiled at her and shook his head. "No I thought the three of us would go to the falls." He commented. Catherine smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder. "That sounds absolutely wonderful darling." She whispered. Vincent wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her even closer to him. "Yes it does sound wonderful." He whispered.
While this was going on above Diana was entering her apartment. She had gone to her family's for the holidays and she was happy to be home. She desperately wanted to see Vincent. She rushed to her bedroom and unpacked her suitcase. Then she checked her messages. When there were no messages to return she prepared herself a light dinner. After she had eaten she walked up to the roof because she felt that Vincent would in fact visit tonight. She smiled as she thought of spending time with him once again.
A couple of hours later Diana looked at her watch. She frowned when she realized that Vincent probably was not coming. He probably had to take care of those damn tunnels. She thought to herself. She had grown to resent the fact that Vincent put the tunnels and his child in front of her. She felt that she should be the most important person in Vincent's life. Even after everyone had tried to discourage her feelings for Vincent she persisted. She loved him and she was determined to be with him no matter what.
She looked at her watch once again and growled in frustration. Then she quickly made her decision. If he will not come to me I will go to him. She thought. She turned and entered her apartment once again. After putting on her jacket and collecting her flashlight she left her apartment.
Down in the tunnels everyone had gathered in the kitchen chamber for dinner. Catherine and Vincent happily told their friends of their plans to marry as soon as possible. Everyone was truly happy for them. "Cathy do you have a dress?" Mary asked. Catherine suddenly got a stricken look on her face. "Oh no Mary I forgot all about that." She stated. Mary smiled as Vincent put his arm around her. "Cathy we will take care of that." Mary assured her. Catherine took a deep breath and smiled. "Thank you so much Mary." She told the older woman. Pascal then walked up. "Hey if you need the helpers to get some things for the wedding let me know and I will send them a message." He told Vincent and Catherine. The couple smiled at their friend. "We appreciate that Pascal." Vincent told the pipemaster.
After dinner the council gathered for a short meeting. While the meeting was going on Diana entered the tunnels. She smiled as she approached Father's chamber. She ducked her head and entered the chamber. She stood in the shadows and watched Vincent from a distance. He was so beautiful to her and she loved him so much. Catherine had elected to stay behind in their chamber with Jacob. Diana watched for a few minutes.
Then she decided to go wait for Vincent in his chamber. She walked along the passage that led to Vincent's chamber. She was surprised when she saw candlelight coming from inside the chamber. She figured that Mary or someone else was watching Jacob. She walked up to the chamber entrance. She suddenly stopped when she saw Catherine sitting inside the chamber rocking Jacob. "Who are you?" Diana suddenly asked. Catherine rose from the chair and turned to see who was there. "I am Catherine." She told the strange red headed woman who stood before her. "You cannot be Catherine Chandler." Diana told her. "She is dead." Catherine walked over and put Jacob down in his crib.
Then she turned around toward Diana again. "Yes I am Catherine Chandler." She told Diana. "Who are you?" Catherine asked. Diana squared her shoulders. "My name is Diana Bennett." She stated. "I am the new woman in Vincent's life." Catherine was stunned. "I know that you are his friend." Catherine told her. Diana shook her head. "No we are more than friends we are in love."
Catherine stood there staring at the woman. "You are not the woman that Vincent loves!" She argued. "I am the only woman that he loves." Diana snorted. "Miss Chandler you have been gone for a long time and Vincent has finally moved on with his life." Diana told her. "I think that it would be wise for you to pack your things and go make your life somewhere else." Diana warned. Then without another word Diana turned and walked away from the chamber. Catherine stood there in shock after Diana had left. She soon began to shake uncontrollably. She picked up the baby and left the chamber. She had to get away from the chamber for a while to think about what this woman had said to her.
Diana walked along the tunnel somewhat stunned but happy with herself. Now to convince Vincent that she is leaving. Diana thought. Soon she entered Father's chamber. The meeting was just breaking up and everyone on the council was still there. Father and Vincent looked up when she entered the chamber. "Hello Diana I was not aware that you were back." Vincent told her. She walked down the steps and smiled sweetly at him. "I arrived a while ago." She told him. Then she looked over at Father. "Hello Father how are you?" She asked. Father smiled slightly and nodded. "I am fine Diana I hope your holidays were good." He told her. She smiled again. "Well they were alright but I missed Vincent and Jacob terribly." She commented. Vincent looked at Father. He knew that he had to tell Diana that Catherine had returned. "Diana please sit down there is something wonderful that I must tell you." Vincent commented. Diana sat down in a chair close to him. "Vincent if you are going to tell me about Catherine being alive I already know." She commented. Vincent was shocked. "How did you know that she was alive?" He asked. "I went your chamber to wait for you and I met her." Diana commented. "We talked a bit and I think that she finally understands the situation." She added.
After a few moments Vincent rose from his seat. "What are you saying Diana?" He asked. She looked up at him and smiled. "I told her that we were in love and that she should pack her belongings and go make a life for herself somewhere else." She stated proudly. Vincent suddenly spun around. "How dare you say something like that to the woman that I love!" He seethed. Devin and Charles walked up beside Vincent. "Calm down Vincent." Devin requested. Vincent shook his head. "No Devin she has overstepped her bounds!" He commented angrily. "Vincent we know that but getting angry will not help the situation." Charles told him. Vincent ignored them. He looked at Diana and began to speak again. "I love Catherine and my son more than anyone on this earth and I do not appreciate your interference!" He added. Diana rose from her chair. "But Vincent we were becoming a family." She argued. "Darling you are my love and I will not give you up!" she told him adamantly.
Father suddenly rose from his seat. "Miss Bennett I believe you have really interfered in a situation that is none of your concern." He commented. "Catherine is not only the woman that my son is in love with she is also a valued member of this community." He told her. "I will not tolerate you or anyone else coming into our home and hurting her." He yelled. "Now Diana I believe you have overstayed your welcome here." Vincent told her as he turned to face her again. "I must request that you never come here again." He added. Diana was stunned. "Vincent you don't mean that!" She argued vehemently. "We can be a family and raise Jacob." She commented. Vincent shook his head. "No!" He snarled. "Now leave!" he growled. Diana's shoulders slumped. She turned to walk out of the chamber. But before she left she addressed Vincent once again. "I will be waiting for you when you give this up." She told him. Then without another word she left the tunnels.
Once she was gone Vincent began to calm down. He then turned and addressed Father. "I must go and talk to Catherine." He commented. Father nodded. "Yes go and straighten this mess out." He told him. "I will make sure that the two of you are not disturbed." Father added. Vincent nodded then ran from the chamber. After he was gone Charles shook his head. "I believe that woman is delusional." He commented. Devin and Father nodded in agreement. "Yes she has always worried me." Father told him. "I never liked the attention that she paid to Vincent or Jacob." He added. "She always seemed to want them to herself and she resented when Vincent could not spend any time with her." He told them. "I just wish that she had never met Catherine." He concluded. "Dad do you think that this will affect the wedding?" Devin asked. Father shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know Devin but I hope not for both Vincent and Catherine's sake." Charles and Devin nodded in agreement.
A few moments later Vincent ran into his and Catherine's chamber. He expected to find her there with Jacob but neither of them was in the chamber. Vincent suddenly became fearful. He hoped that Catherine was not leaving him because of what Diana had told her. He turned and left the chamber. He had to find Catherine and talk to her.
Catherine walked along the tunnel crying. She could not calm herself. The things that Diana had told her really upset her. Suddenly a voice from inside one of the chambers got her attention. "Catherine dear what in the world is the matter?" Mary stepped out of her chamber into the tunnel. Catherine stopped when she saw her. "Oh Mary!" She cried. Mary took Jacob from her and put him in the crib in her chamber then she led Catherine inside. They sat down on the bed and Mary wrapped her arms around Catherine. "Now Catherine tell me what has upset you so." Mary requested. Catherine sniffed then began to speak. "I was sitting in our chamber waiting for Vincent to come back from the meeting when Diana walked in." She began. Mary slowly nodded her head. "Cathy what did she say to you?" Mary asked. Catherine began to sob once again. "She told me that she and Vincent were deeply in love and that I should leave." Mary was shocked. "Catherine that woman has always had more feelings for Vincent than he has for her." Mary told her. "She has wanted him to fall in love with her for a long time." She added. "But Cathy you are the woman that he loves and the woman that he wants to marry." Mary told her. "This woman is delusional and a very lonely person." She commented. "I am sure that she never thought that she would see you here." Mary added. Catherine began to calm down. She wiped her eyes. "Thank you Mary I truly let it get to me." Catherine commented. Mary smiled and hugged her. "You are deeply in love with Vincent and I know the thought of losing him frightens you." She commented. Catherine nodded her head. "More than I can ever say."
With that Catherine rose. She started to pick Jacob up once again when Mary put her hand on her arm. "Why don't you leave him here so that you and Vincent can talk?" Mary asked. Catherine thought for a moment then smiled. "Thank you for everything Mary." She commented as she hugged the older woman. Mary hugged her tightly. "Now young lady go talk to Vincent I'm sure he is frantic about where you and Jacob have gone." Catherine thought a moment. "Oh God Mary I left the chamber without leaving him a note about where I was going." Catherine stated anxiously. "Catherine you were probably not sure where you were going." Mary told her. Catherine smiled then she turned and ran from the chamber. Mary smiled and picked Jacob up. "Well my little one I am sure your mommy and daddy will be fine now." She whispered to the sleeping child.
As this was going on Vincent entered their chamber once again. He had looked in all the places that he could think that Catherine and Jacob would go. He sat down in his chair and laid his head down on the desk. Soon he gave himself up to his misery and began to cry. This is how Catherine found him. She rushed to his side when she heard him crying. "Oh my love don't cry." She sobbed as she knelt down beside him. Vincent raised his tear stained face. "Catherine I was so frightened." He sobbed. She wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly. "I know you were my darling but everything is alright now." She crooned as she rubbed his back. "I am here and I am never leaving you." She vowed.
When he was calmer Vincent reached for her and pulled her into his lap. Catherine smiled as she felt his arms go around her. "I am so sorry that she put you through that." He whispered. "She was so sure that you loved her." Catherine whispered. Vincent moved back so that he could look into her eyes. "No Catherine you must know that you are the only woman that I will ever love." He commented. "I could never live without you again." He added. "You and our son are my whole life." Catherine once again laid her head on his shoulder. "I am so sorry that I worried you when I was not here but I just had to get away for while and think." She commented. "I had to assure myself that what she said to me was only in her mind." Vincent looked into her eyes once again. "Catherine you are the only woman that I want in my life." He told her. She smiled brightly. "Good because I am the only woman that will ever be in your life unless we have a daughter." Vincent smiled. "That would not be a bad thing." He commented. Catherine smiled. "No it would not." She answered.
A few moments passed as they sat there holding one another. "Where is Jacob?" Vincent asked. Catherine lifted her head from his shoulder. "I left him with Mary." She commented. "I ended up at Mary's chamber and she and I talked things out." She added. "Then as I started to leave she suggested that I leave Jacob with her so that we could talk." Vincent smiled and nodded. "I am glad that you saw her and that the two of you talked." He commented. Catherine smiled then started to rise. "And where are you going?" Vincent asked with a slight growl in his voice. Catherine smiled at him. "I thought we were going to get our son." She told him. Vincent smiled and shook his head. "You said that he is with Mary." He remarked. "I am sure that she will watch him for a while." He told her. Catherine smiled at the implications of his words. "Well what did you plan to do while we have this time alone?" She asked. Vincent smiled slyly. "I thought that mommy and daddy could have some private time of their own." He growled. This made Catherine giggle. "You did huh?" She asked. Vincent smiled once again and nodded. "Yes my beloved angel." He answered. Then without another word he captured her lips in a very passionate kiss.
When they parted both were breathless. Catherine kissed Vincent once again then rose from his lap. Vincent watched confused as she moved toward the entrance of the chamber. "Catherine where are you going?" He asked. Catherine turned around and smiled at him. "I think we need some privacy." She stated. Then she pulled down the tapestry to cover the entrance to the chamber. Vincent smiled and rose. "I will take a lamp out into the tunnel." He stated. Then picking up an unlit lamp he exited the chamber. Catherine smiled slyly as she moved toward the bed. She slowly began to unbutton her blouse when suddenly Vincent reached around her. "Let me help you." He whispered against her ear. She sighed happily and leaned back against him. "Vincent I am so in love with you." She moaned. Vincent smiled as he slowly slid the blouse off of her shoulders. Catherine shuddered when she felt his hands graze her skin. "And I am absolutely in love with you my angel." He whispered. Then he leaned forward and softly kissed her neck. Catherine was slowly becoming very aroused. Vincent could sense this. He gently turned her to face him. He smiled lovingly at her then he once again kissed her.
A few moments later they parted and Catherine was absolutely breathless with desire. "Please make love to me now." She whimpered. Vincent smiled and gathered her in his arms. "Yes my Catherine." He whispered. Then he effortlessly picked her up and laid her down on the bed. He smiled as he stroked her skin. Catherine squirmed as she felt his touch. Then she rose onto her knees. She smiled seductively as she began to loosen the ties of Vincent's tunic. "You are overdressed." She stated. Vincent smiled as he watched her dutifully removing his clothes.
Once she was done Catherine lay back down. She smiled and reached out her hand to him. "Come here to me my darling." She whispered. Vincent took her hand and kissed it very gently. Then he climbed into bed beside her. Vincent smiled and opened his arms. "Come here to me my beloved angel." He whispered huskily. Catherine smiled as she scooted over into his arms. Vincent began to kiss her softly as she moaned. "Catherine you and our son are my greatest treasures." He whispered. Catherine reached up and cupped his cheek. "And you are my beloved angel." She told him. With that Vincent moved over her and joined their bodies.
Afterward they lay together entwined in the bed sheets. Catherine leisurely stroked his chest as Vincent calmed his breathing. "You absolutely bewitch me my love." He panted. Catherine leaned up on her elbow and smiled at him. "And you are everything to me." She stated. Suddenly Catherine got a serious look on her face. "Vincent what are we going to do about Diana?" She asked. Vincent pulled her down into his arms once again. "We are not going to worry about her." He stated. "She is clearly delusional and she cannot come between us." He declared. Catherine sighed heavily. "I know she cannot come between us but I still worry that she will not give up." She told him. Vincent rose onto one elbow and stroked her cheek. "Catherine I swear to you that nothing she told you is true." He vowed. Catherine smiled. "I know that my love." She assured him. "I have never had any reason not to trust you and I will not worry about her anymore." She promised. Vincent lay back down and once again gathered her to him. "Catherine we have nothing but a wonderful future to worry about." She smiled as they both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
While this was going on Diana returned to her apartment. She walked into the apartment and threw her keys on the coffee table. "I cannot believe this!" She screamed aloud. "How dare that woman come back and ruin my life I will make her and Vincent sorry for what they have done. Then she sat down and began plotting her revenge.
Later that evening Catherine awoke. She turned over expecting to find Vincent beside her. But she was disappointed to find him gone. She was about to get out of bed when he reentered the chamber. "I thought I would go get this little one." Vincent told her as he handed Jacob to his mother. Catherine smiled lovingly down at their beautiful son. "Mary had some wedding details to work on so she sent me a message to come for him." Vincent told her as he sat down beside her. "Hello my baby." She crooned. "Did you have a good visit with Mary?" She asked. Vincent smiled as he watched the interchange between Catherine and the baby. "You are a wonderful mother." He whispered. Catherine looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you my love and you are a wonderful father." She told him. "Being a father was something I never expected." He told her. "But having Jacob has opened up a whole new world for me and my life." Catherine looked up at him and smiled. "And being a mother has been the most wonderful experience of my life." She told him. They spent the remainder of the evening with their son.
As the days passed the whole tunnel community was happily anticipating the wedding. "Father is everything prepared for tomorrow?" Vincent asked. Father looked up from his ledger. "Oh yes everything is prepared." Father told him. "Where is Catherine?" Father asked as he looked around. Vincent sat down and smiled. "She went above to her father's old house with Jenny." Vincent commented. "Apparently Peter told her that her father left something there that he wanted her to have." Just as he finished speaking the pipes announced Catherine's return. Vincent smiled and rose. "We will see you later Father." He told his parent. Then he quickly left the chamber.
Above Diana walked into a gun shop. She approached the clerk. "I came to pick up my pistol." She told him. "I am Detective Diana Bennett with the New York police department." The woman looked through her invoices. She smiled and nodded. "Yes Detective here we are." She told Diana as she handed her the new gun. "Thank you very much." Diana told her. She then turned and left the store. I will have my revenge at that wedding. Diana thought to herself as she walked down the street.
Vincent entered his and Catherine's chamber and found her sitting on the bed reading. "Hello my Catherine." He whispered. Catherine smiled and put her book down. Then she quickly rose and moved into his arms. "I missed you so much." She told him. Then she moved back and smiled up at him. "And I missed you." He assured her. "So what did your father want you to have?" Vincent asked as he sat down and pulled her into his lap. She smiled mysteriously. "Well I cannot tell you that." She commented. Vincent looked at her confused. Catherine giggled happily. "You see Vincent the gift is for our wedding." She told him. "And you cannot see it until tomorrow." Vincent smiled mischievously. "Are you sure you will not tell me anything?" He asked as he tickled her. Catherine giggled happily and squirmed. "No now Vincent stop that!" She told him. "Alright have your secrets." He told her. "Is Jacob sleeping?" He asked. Catherine looked over at the cradle. "Yes he has been sleeping since I got home." She whispered. Suddenly the pipes sounded for dinner. Vincent and Catherine rose from the chair. Catherine walked over and gently picked up the sleeping baby. "Come my love." Vincent told her as he wrapped his arm around her waist. Then they left the chamber.